Peer VOICE NC at a Glance
Mobilizing to Elevate Recovery
North Carolina has joined 26 other states that have received federal funding from the Substance Abuse Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) to build a unified, vocal, and influential statewide peer and “consumer” movement, Peer Voice NC (PVNC)!
A statewide mental health peer and “consumer” organization is designated in each state to impact policies, practices and systems to facilitate recovery from mental health and/or co-occurring substance use disorders.

Goal 1
Establish an independent, statewide mental health peer and "consumer" organization through coalition building and investing in peer leadership.
Goal 2
Develop and operate a NC Peer and Recovery Technical Assistance Center to incubate, launch and disseminate innovative recovery and peer support related tools, resources, models and training.
Goal 3
Enhance NCCPSS skills, knowledge and competencies by providing peer and recovery related continuing education and advanced education.
Goal 4
Enhance peer support supervisor skills, knowledge and competencies by providing peer and recovery related continuing education.